Request for Military Transcripts

To request an official evaluation of your military experience and training for college credit, please request an official transcript using the links below.

Please note: DoD websites often have security certificates that are not automatically recognized by browsers on civilian computers. The links provided below may prompt you to check that the certificate is one you trust before proceeding to the website. Learn more here

JST: Joint Services Transcript 

CGI: Coast Guard Institute*

MCI: Marine Corps Institute*

CCAF: Community College of the Air Force

DLI: Defense Language Institute

DAU: Defense Acquisition University 

*Coast Guard Institute and Marine Corps Institute credit will now be included on the Joint Services Transcript. (Best to be used with Internet Explorer)

Your request will result in an official transcript being automatically submitted to Bon Secours St. Mary's Hospital School of Medical Imaging for evaluation. This is all that is needed to complete your military evaluation. Please do not send in any medal certificates, letters of appreciation, or any other awards and certificates, as these cannot be evaluated.

If you served in the military prior to the year 1981 then you may submit a copy of your DD214, 2-1, 2A, or DD295 for an evaluation to the Director of Financial Aid. 

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